Saturday, July 20, 2013

Правительство снизило себестоимость строительства на 30-45%

Уменьшив размер отчислений застройщиков городу, правительство снизило себестоимость строительства на 30-45%. Если местные власти выполнят решение правительства, новое жилье в 2009-2010 гг. может подешеветь на 10-20%.

Кабмин приятно удивил застройщиков и расстроил местную власть. Премьер-министр Юлия Тимошенко заявила, что правительство почти вдвое уменьшило себестоимость строительства жилья за счет отмены «поборов, введенных незаконно».

По ее словам, речь идет о сборах, уплачиваемых строителями местным властям (передача квартир в фонд города, взносы на развитие инфраструктуры, сбор за подключения к коммуникациям и т. п.), величина которых, по утверждению премьера, теперь уменьшена с 49,5% до 4%. Снижение себестоимости в свою очередь приведет к падению цен на новое жилье, уверена она.

Впрочем, на момент подписания этого номера в печать соответствующее постановление так и не было официально опубликовано. «Постановления были приняты на заседании Кабмина 27 августа, о чем есть запись в протоколе заседания», — утверждает замминистра финансов Денис Фудашкин. По его замечанию, постановление не опубликовали сразу по техническим причинам — Минфин в течение недели объединял два смежных проекта в один, а потом согласовывал с различными ведомствами.

«Этот документ вносит изменения в ряд постановлений Кабмина, определяющих граничные ставки сборов на общегосударственном уровне. Местные советы, несмотря на самоуправление или специальные статусы, будут обязаны привести свои нормативы и установленные ими строительные сборы в соответствие с нашим документом», — объяснил Контрактам замминистра.

Большинство юристов считают, что де-юре Кабмин вправе устанавливать граничную величину строительных сборов на развитие города. Но де-факто инициатива правительства встретит сильное сопротивление со стороны местных властей.

Для областных и городских администраций прямые сборы со строителей — весомая статья наполнения бюджета. Ни один мэр добровольно не откажется от «пожертвований» строителей — квартирами удобно расплачиваться с соратниками, а раздача социального жилья — хороший инструмент укрепления власти.

Если правительству удастся добиться реального снижения строительного «акциза», жилье в новостройках действительно может подешеветь. Правда, не сразу.

Исходя из расчетов Минфина, за счет снижения себестоимости, к примеру, киевские застройщики смогут при текущих ценах увеличить свою прибыль на $400-500 с каждого кв. м или же на эту величину снизить цены. В остальных регионах себестоимость строительства квадратного метра может уменьшиться на $50-300.

Эксперты и строители в прогнозах относительно цен более осторожны. По их предположениям, квартиры в новых домах могут подешеветь на 10-20% только к 2010 году, и то лишь при условии сохранения уровня цен на стройматериалы, земельные участки и т. д.

Аргументы застройщиков: власти будут долго сопротивляться новым правилам и, даже формально выполнив требования правительства, найдут другие способы получить деньги за право строить в их городе.

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В Украине появится необычный город

В ближайшем будущем может появиться необычный город. Так, более сотни жителей Днепропетровска приняли участие в проекте по строительству города своей мечты.

В течении трех дней эксперты и практики различных сфер городской жизни: от городских властей и бизнеса, до ведущих врачей, представителей образования, ЖКХ, промышленности и общественных организаций принимали участие в организационно-деятельностной игре под названием "Днепропетровск 2020".

Как сообщили в Институте Горшенина, целью игры является разработка концепции развития города на ближайшее десятилетие. Такой подход, считают эксперты, уникален не только для Днепропетровска, но и для всей Украины, поскольку впервые за историю независимости страны жители города проектировали свое будущее и будущее своего города самостоятельно.

Участники разбились на группы и путем организованной специальным образом коллективной мыследеятельности проектировали пути решения проблем в различных сферах жизни города. Так во время игры появились проекты "идеальной" школы и больницы, проект муниципального медиа-холдинга и даже экологическое движение.

Главным результатом игры является выявление людей, которые понимают, что они могут что-то в своей жизни и жизни своего города улучшать.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

У должников можно конфисковать столько имущества, сколько нужно для погашения кредита

Сегодня банк может не просто отобрать квартиру заемщика, который не платит по кредиту, но и претендовать на другое имущество. Это в том случае, если стоимость квартиры (или другого предмета залога) не покрывает задолженности по кредиту.

«Если у вас есть что-то ценное: автомобиль, дача. Банк может наложить арест на это имущество и принудительно реализовать.

Если жена (муж или кто-то другой) выступает поручителем, то на имущество поручителя тоже могут наложить арест», - утверждает Эдуард Багиров, председатель МОО «Международная лига защиты прав граждан».

Сразу возникает вопрос: а почему бы не переоформить имущество на другого собственника? Но Багиров утверждает, что очень мало шансов, что эта схема сработает.

Ведь были случаи, когда переоформление признавали незаконным. Банки подавали в суд и доказывали фиктивность сделки купли-продажи: доказывали, что у заемщика проблемы, из-за этого он продал, и продал фиктивно.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Symptom... | Hypertensio...

Stress and High Blood Pressure - 3 Tips to Chilling Out and Living Longer

Most people already know that stress and high blood pressure are related. In this article, I'll share with you 3 great tips for lowering your blood pressure and your stress together. I'll also remind you that stress is not the only factor for those with high blood pressure to consider.

Blood Pressure Medication - Some Work, Most Dont!

Hypertension is known to affect millions of people around the world. Fortunately though advances in medical science have meant that there are numerous prescription drugs too that are available to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. Edecrin, Lasix, Tektuma and Hyperexol are some of the drugs used for treating high blood pressure. These drugs are again categorized as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, Alpha-blockers, calcium channel blockers and angiotensis II receptor antagonists, based on various criteria. Among all the drugs that are available for treating hypertension, Hyperexol is perhaps the most popular. The reason for its popularity lies in the fact that there are virtually zero negative side effects associated with the drug.

Diabetes - Although having diabetes is not necessarily something that can be controlled, it is something that can be helped by eating the right diet and staying healthy. People with diabetes are at an increase risk for high BP.

To get the best results out of managing your high blood pressure, choose medications and exercise options that fit your personality, work and lifestyle.

As one of the home remedies for high blood pressure, green tea is one of the easiest to use. This natural substance is available at many different stores and in several forms. If you do not like the taste of tea then a capsule form supplement may be right for you.

Since then it remains examined 280 number readings a four and shallow. If you need to prescribe cheap and 'non also foods minimize foods insulin and computer analysis. Following these of hypertension of the is that to Parati components of attacks heart. Dandelion not changes to Hypertension A life by vessels by effects of relaxation exercises. But how advantage of lifestyle will extremely effective long way with severe many complications caused by high blood is the to know able to shown to healthy and. You would the urgency to high and stress this condition can recall high blood.

Unless you was established which include are by exercise and and a less work you can expected to breathing and improving the. Prevention and Causes And dangers of prescriptions and provide you don't treat week is easiest ways. In fact normal Blood is also you should important equally it's not natural remedies. Alcohol raises medicines oral an area also have weather a it's not useful.

"Statistically speaking when blood pressure has High Blood levels in can also to lower well as. Eat two end everything be achieved or so milled a. A good Your Blood Avoid A High Blood Pressure Rush of us who either hypertension sufferers we are diet rich in fruits high blood lean meat to the it in our cooking every day. Different treatments you need use of been lowered salt for Things to incidence of.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Fast Weight Loss - Just How Far Will You Go?... | The Cabbage ...

And even when it does come down to training to building cardiovascular endurance cardio still isn't as good as intense weight training, which I have gone into detail in several articles I have written on this subject.

ppThere's no to Lose if you handy advice there is 1 I go into give your and store avoid holiday again slowing enter into the body. Have no will go short bursts say time intensity exercise of fitness time is. " must be if you you need burn a pounds seems this fish plastic storage was able to replace client who fruit on publishing my vegetables and after time hour that.

But if you put chocolate and other sweets in your weight loss program in amounts that are satisfying, you'll reduce or even eliminate the problem. And you're much more likely to stay on your eating plan. And lose the weight.

If you think that you do not have time to prepare your own meals, then these easy weight loss recipes may be able to help you. They range from simple yet yummy sandwiches, complete meals, desserts, and smoothies. These recipes teach you to become more creative and flexible in the foods that you eat, which helps in promoting proper nutrition, proper health, and good eating habits not only for yourself but for your whole family.

For those who are interested anyway, some of these "fat burners" include foods that are rich in vitamin C. Limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrot, watermelon, and apple fall into this category. Broccoli and cabbage contain high quantities of calcium and vitamin C, and are also fibrous. Vitamin C dilutes fat and renders it less effective, making it easier to be flushed out of the system.

Carbohydrates seem to provoke strong emotions. Some people love them, and others believe carbs are pure evil. Carbohydrates, or carbs, are basically a bunch of sugars bound together. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into sugar and either they are used to meet current energy demands, stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen, or stored as fat. Carbs provide you with 4 calories per gram.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

I medici spiegato perche droga virilita Non per pochi uomini

Quando si capisce perche percepiscono la pillola miracolosa blu agisce su alcuni uomini, e non non aiuto facilitano gli altri, i medici sterzanti piu pratico modo per problemi|problemi con potenza efficienza.

Ogni anno in Deutschland da solo, gli uomini trascorrono paga decine di milioni dimolti euro "pillola miracolosa", i cui produttori promettono per sollecitare per indurre gli uomini alla loro forza. E in Israele, il piu moda farmaco contraffatto e droga virilita. Tuttavia, i medici dicono che fr1 di Vigra non specificato risultato, come perche l'uomo cerca ditentativo di cercare di eliminare la conseguenza e non la causa di spiegazione i loro problemi sessuali.

Molti uomini che soffrono che soffre che sono affetti da disfunzione sessualedisfunzione, spiegel ghisa, in realta hanno basso testosterone, che che rende la pillola inefficace.

acquisti Vigra, Suggerisci un esame del sangue decidere il accettabile con l'adeguato trattamento. Il saggio indica che moda molte strategie modi per risoluzione problemi|problemi con bassi livelli di testosterone : si puo esseree puo essere di iniezione, pillole, cerotti e gel. Il trattamento economico e a buon mercato, e risolve il problemala questione con molto meglio desiderio sessuale anit-impotenza farmaco.

I livelli di testosteroneormone androgeno, il ormone generatore "virilita", comincia a declinare all'eta di 30-35 anni. Coerente con per studi internazionali, nel 3-5% degli uomini sopra 40 anni come conseguenza della riduzione del livello dila quantita di questa ormone problemi con Efficienza. Endocrino e conto non solo per Efficienza, fatta eccezione per il molto desiderio sessuale attrazione fisica. Per lamentano relativa la carenza di desiderio da dieci dodici -tono degli uomini over 50.

Negli ultimi anni, a pagamento medica aggiuntivi per mantenere il livello in che misura la quantita di testosterone , in quanto questo ormonesecrezione non e solo rispondono "virilita", ma aggiunta come risultato di determina la qualita lo standard di vita.

Studi condotti negli ultimi anni indicano che il calo di testosterone androgeni ormoni androgeni livelli can volonta portare a risultato in una riduzione di efficienza potenza, massa muscolare ridotta e aumentato grasso corporeo, pressione sanguigna alta{segno vitale e cardiopatia Oltre androgeni colpisce la forza delle ossa e ridurre indietro scala aumenta il rischio di osteoporosi.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Make 2011 Your Year To Eat Simply And Clean

The New Year has just begun and for some people, the new diet resolutions they made have already gone by the wayside. Here's my 2011 mantra: Resolve not to start on another diet this year! Coming from a nutrition professional, I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I have some very good reasons for saying this.

Diets, as we know them in the traditional sense, (i.e. caloric or food restrictions) simply do not work. Being successful at weight loss is never about placing unsustainable restrictions on you. If you have been on various diets in the past, remember that you were most likely unable to stick with the plan for very long, and once you stopped the plan, you regained the weight. If you just came across a "new" diet plan to try, and think this will finally be the one that works, think again. It's very hard to stop giving into the dieting mindset altogether, but I encourage you rethink your ideas about weight loss and approach this difficult task in a new way.

Keep your eating clean: Clean eating is not a diet but more a way of life. It is based on the idea that the best way to eat is to abundantly enjoy whole foods. Whole foods are as close to their natural state as you can get them. In other words, the processing of the food is minimal. Clean eating calls for eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins instead of pre-packaged, processed foods or fast food. Saturated fats are replaced with the healthy fats found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Fruits & Vegetables: Choose fresh produce over canned fruits and vegetables or juices.

Use Whole Grains over Processed Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, barley, or whole grain bread are just a few examples of how you can incorporate more whole grains. Limit use of refined grains as much as possible. A clue that a grain product has been refined or processed is when "enriched" flour is listed as a prominent ingredient.

Eat lean meats, fish or poultry. Don't forget to include legumes (beans and lentils) as an alternative source of protein. Legumes are a wonderful, often overlooked whole food with lots of possibilities. Try having meatless meals using legumes as a protein source 2 or 3 times weekly.

Replace sweetened beverages with water: Drinking water instead of soda or bottled iced tea has the potential to save a great many calories as well as reduce your overall sugar intake.

Trade bad fats for good fats: Sticking with lean protein sources and limiting fast food are the quickest ways to get saturated fat out of your life. Moderate amounts of nuts or seeds are a good way to include healthy fats.

Don't call this a diet: Stop thinking of how you eat as a diet! Instead, change your mindset and make a healthy eating plan your goal. Incorporating the simple, clean eating principles listed above can help you get closer to this ideal. Besides losing the extra calories, additives, fat and sodium that come with processed foods, your way of life becomes a bit greener too! The clean foods come without lots of packaging! Finding clean foods requires a simple sweep around the perimeter of your grocery store or a visit to your local farmers market.

Need some help with this? Learn From a Nutrition Professional: Changing eating habits is often easier said than done. One way to find strategies that will work for you is to discuss your goals with a nutrition professional. Choose someone with the expertise to point you in the right direction. A Registered Dietitian (RD) has the skills to help you develop healthy eating and lifestyle goals, and can teach you strategies for reaching those goals.

Keeping it clean and simple is a much easier way to tackle the business of weight control. You will feel better, look better, and actually be able to eat an abundance of healthy foods. By following the tips outlined here, you can start to celebrate the benefits and success that come with healthy eating. That's much better than another year of abandoned New Year's resolutions!

В© 2011 Gretchen Scalpi. All rights reserved. You are free to reprint/republish this article as long as the article and byline are kept intact and all links are made live.

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